10 Great Family Amusement Parks

Orange roller coaster doing a loop against a blue sky

An amusement park is a fantastic place to bring out the kid in everyone. We have picked 10 great family amusement parks that are near campgrounds and RV parks.

Green on the Big Screen

Emperor Penguins and Chick

Our kids are the keepers of the future. No time like the present for us camping and RVing parents to instill in them a sense of environmental consciousness. The sooner they learn about their role in preserving the environment, the sooner they'll get active and consciously take measures to protect it. There are lots of wonderful "big screen" and DVD movies that your kids will love and have great environmental messages too. Here is a great selection.

4th of July Arts and Crafts for Kids

Girls doing crafts at camp

If you are planning a camping road trip for the 4th of July vacation with your kids, here are some fun 4th of July crafts they can do that will keep them busy. These great crafts will also help you decorate your RV or car perfectly for this holiday.

Top 8 Kids Camping Movies

Group of children having fun in a tent

Sometimes the weather forces us to move indoors during a camping trip. To keep the children's camping spirits up, here are the top eight kids camping movies that we recommend.

Best Camping Gear for Kids

Kids exploring nature

To help parents pack the best gear for camping with kids, we have compiled a list of the things that you absolutely should not forget to bring when camping out with your wee ones.

Unplugging Your Kids - a Teen's Perspective

A teenage boy listens to music while using his laptop computer.

A couple sits outside watching the sunset over Utah's Monument Valley. Their kids, however, sit inside. Their son is playing video games, and their daughter is using the computer. So how do you unplug your teenager?

RV Playhouse

Little girl in RV playhouse

Every kid dreams of having a playhouse - where imagination can run wild, ideas can brew and things can be safely stowed away from prying eyes of mom and dad! So instead of leaving your RV vacant and sitting in your driveway, why not turn it into a magical playhouse?

Winter Camping Activities for Kids

Little girl snow tubing

Camping is a year-round recreational activity, and Christmas breaks make wintertime especially good for family camping. Most think that winter can complicate plans to spend quality time outside with your children. However, winter can provide many fun things you can do together outside that you cannot do the rest of the year. Here are some great winter camping activities for kids.

Free or Discounted Access to Children's Museums

Children playing with toys on a table with a mother

It has been said many a time that children are sponges. They will absorb any information you throw their way, quickly. So when you take your child on a road trip it's critical that you encourage their curiosity with activities that stimulate their minds. Children's museums provide ideal environments for learning, but the costs to enlighten your children add up. Here's the breakdown on four of the best children's museum programs we've come across.

Trick or Treat Camping

Candy filled pumpkin

If you're planning on traveling this Halloween weekend and have never stayed at a campground during Halloween, you might be curious as to how it all works. Fear not, let us help you prep for some trick or treat camping.

The Three C's to Entertain Kids on the Road

3 little girls in back seat of car

A friend wanted a few tips on keeping the kids entertained while on a seven hour trip. For most parents this is a nightmare scenario, but with a little planning it could turn out to be a great road trip. Keep the three C's in mind - comfort, creativity and connection.

Unplug Your Teenager

Teenager building a campfire surrounded by his family

American teenagers today are glued to the television, Internet, cell phones and video games. How do you encourage, entertain and engage them to leave behind creature comforts and look forward to a camping trip with pleasure, as opposed to horror?

Music is the Key to a Great Road Trip with the Kids

Young girl listening to music in the park

Road tripping to new destinations and exposing your kids to all the world has to offer is always exciting. The only challenge is that long road trips can be exhausting and boring for young children. So, how do you make the road trip just as fun as your actual getaway? You have to have the right kind of music!

How to Make a Camping Scrapbook

Child painting over a leaf making their camping scrapbook

Keeping your kids entertained on family camping trips can be challenging, given most children have a short attention span. Make a camping scrapbook is something you can do to keep your kids attuned to the outdoors and enjoy their camping trip.

Make Your Child a Junior Ranger

Junior Ranger holding his parent's hands

Get your kids interested in nature and wildlife through the National Parks Foundation's Junior Rangers Program which teaches your kids to help "Explore, Learn, Protect" the environment.

Camp with Grandparents

Grandparents biking with their granddaughter

Enrich the lives of children everywhere this year while doing what you love doing best, hanging out with your grandkids, Let us give you some fun outdoors ideas and tell you how you can help KaBoom, a non-profit organization towards building a playground for kids.

Camping with Allergenic Kids Made Easier

Traveling with child who have allergies

When Tiff Thojoya goes camping with her daughter the first thing that is on her mind is her daughter's safety. Throughout her experience she has learned a few tricks to make the experience more pleasurable for herself and her child and has shared them with us.

Where to Go Star Gazing with Kids

Girl looking at the moon

Everyone has a favorite camping memory, and stargazing with the kids almost always counts as one. That look of wonderment in their eyes as you point out Saturn with its rings or Ursa Major or Orion is a delight to watch. It is a great way to bond with your kids and fuel their imagination. So on your next road trip plan your stay at a campground with an astronomy program or an observatory nearby. Here are a few options.

Family Traditions to Keep Kids Happy on a Road Trip

Two girls with father in car

To keep three children from kicking and screaming my parents devised a load of activities and games for us to play. These games became as much a part of our trip as the hotels, national parks, and picnics; they became traditions.

Connect with Children through Camping

Father and young son fishing together on a boat

In my family communicating has become a recipe of 1 cup Facebook statuses, 1/3 tablespoon tweets, and a boatload of texts and phone calls. While I love the growth of technology, I think it makes connecting with your children more difficult. This is why my family started camping.




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