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New Post 1/16/2012 9:21 PM
110 posts

Re: Campgrounds Charging WiFi...Your Thoughts 
Don't also mind if there is a charge for the Wi-Fi. Lots of hotels still charge for Internet access whenever I stay in them during some business trips, so campgrounds charging for Wi-Fi access is no biggie. But I agree with mary. If they do decide to charge, the least that they can do is to make sure that it's fast and reliable. I personally find myself more patient dealing with a slow but free Wi-Fi connection, than a one that is slow and I'm charged for it.
New Post 1/17/2012 8:19 PM
106 posts

Re: Campgrounds Charging WiFi...Your Thoughts 
Some campgrounds offer free WiFi access on the first day and then charge you each day that follows. Personally, this works for me. If I find that the Internet connection is pretty okay during the free period, I wouldn't mind paying for the additional days. But if not, at least I got to try using it without any charge.
New Post 1/20/2012 5:34 AM
116 posts

Re: Campgrounds Charging WiFi...Your Thoughts 
Before I go out on a road trip, I would set my email to have an auto-response that I'm out from this date to that date. That way, I'm not pressured to go have Wi-Fi access and be able to get on the Internet. If it's very urgent, I post on my email to call me in my cellphone instead.
New Post 1/22/2012 10:25 PM
112 posts

Re: Campgrounds Charging WiFi...Your Thoughts 
One of the reasons why I go camping is to get away from all the emails and Internet and stuff. A few days without the Net won't hurt.
New Post 1/23/2012 7:38 PM
121 posts

Re: Campgrounds Charging WiFi...Your Thoughts 
That's true, harold. But I guess, if you're planning on a really long road trip that can take a month or so, having some Internet access is always a handy thing to have around. It's one of the reasons why my wife and I are able to go on long trips even though we both have our own businesses.
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