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New Post 8/21/2020 9:06 AM
3 posts

What book do you like to read while traveling? 
What book do you like to read while traveling?
New Post 8/21/2020 9:24 AM
  Robert Randall
2 posts

Re: What book do you like to read while traveling? 
I love to read classic American literature.
New Post 8/25/2020 11:02 AM
3 posts

Re: What book do you like to read while traveling? 
I like sci-fi and The Lorg of the rings.
New Post 9/9/2020 3:33 AM
1 posts

Re: What book do you like to read while traveling? 
My faves are autobiographies about trips I want to do. Like, one I loved was Kilimanjaro diaries, about a lady who climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro.
New Post 7/31/2021 2:41 PM
4 posts

Re: What book do you like to read while traveling? 
I like the classics or books on psychology. When I'm travelling I probably prefer reading about psychology.
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  Camping and RV Forums  General Forums  General  What book do you like to read while traveling?
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