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New Post 5/27/2011 12:48 PM
  the Alban
117 posts

tire monitor systems 
I am at at rally looking at tire monitor systems.

I am looking at the TST system, and the Tire Tracker system.

I need info/advice comparing these two systems. I know that the info from you fellows on this forum in the past is great, so please let me know asap opinions between these systems, re problems/service/value/ease of use, etc./anything else that would help me decide between these two systems. I have to decide in the next two days.

Thanks in advance, fellows, and keep up the info on this great forum.
New Post 5/27/2011 12:49 PM
121 posts

Re: tire monitor systems 
Don't have one, but I say most around here use the TST system.
New Post 5/27/2011 12:50 PM
116 posts

Re: tire monitor systems 
have the Tire Traker system on my motorhome and like it. It does take some time to set it up and learn how to use it but is worth the time. It works good and is a comfort to be able to see the tire pressures without the need to use a gauge. If you need to add or remove air the easy way to do it is have the monitor with you and reading that tire then just remove the sensor, add or remove air, re-install the sensor and read the pressure.

Well worth the money!
New Post 5/27/2011 12:50 PM
106 posts

Re: tire monitor systems 
TPM's are a PIA as far as I am concerned. The sensers are prone to leaking. They make it very difficult to add air to a tire. I took mine off after one trip. My MH dealer agrees,and does not recomend them. Two tire dealers I have talked to also do not recomend them. Remember,TRUCKERS DO NOT USE THEM. A lot of people on this forum will not agree with me. The only people recomending them,are those selling them.
New Post 5/27/2011 12:51 PM
89 posts

Re: tire monitor systems 
I am using the TST 510 system for almost three years now and though I have had some battery problems with the sensors, TST has always made it right with no problems. As for leaks, mine have never leaked or caused a leak, instead they have shown me leaks caused by a nail and once by a cracked rim. So I DO recommend them and no I do not sell them or have any interest in the company. Also Western Roadways trucking Co. uses tpms systems on all of their trailer tires as do two tour bus companys in CA.
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